Looking after a patient with dysphagia


When a patient has trouble swallowing, suffers from dehydration or loses a lot of weight, remember that dysphagia may well be the cause. For some patients, simply eating and drinking may become detrimental to their health and even endanger their lives. Read our guide on how to perform swallowing assessments and the measures to take to ensure your patients can eat and drink safely. 

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Dysphagia : how to care for patients?

Dysphagie : not to be overlooked

Dysphagia mainly affects elderly people, especially those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and also occurs in 50% of stroke patients and 38% of head and neck cancer patients. To ensure the care and quality of life of those affected, it is vital to have the right tools and information to detect problems and assess gravity. Follow our step-by-step guide to help you address the issue.

A simple dysphagia assessment

There is a simple way to assess the degree of difficulty in swallowing. With our DSA Pack, based on the standards set out by the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative, speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other health care workers can perform swallowing assessments on their patients and take the necessary steps to protect them.

Suitable food and drink for dysphagic patients

Patients with dysphagia require specific medical attention. Hospitalisation is not always necessary but patients should be assisted by health care workers with special training in the assessment and treatment of dysphagia. Dysphagia experts work together and recommend suitably adapted food and drink for the degree of dysphagia.

Speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other health care workers will find our guide a great help in assessing the severity of dysphagia. Once the degree of difficulty in swallowing has been established, you will be able to recommend a suitable diet and improve your patients’ quality of life.