
Vitalité ! the magazine

Adoptez les bons réflexes de la nutrition et de la santé

Vitalité ! le mag

For 8 years, in addition to offering you thoughtful foods. We work to ensure that you are well informed.

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Pureed food
Pureed food
Cancer: How a change in diet can break the vicious circle
Cancer: How a change in diet can break the vicious circle
When I’m 64...
When I’m 64…
Malnutrition: eating habits are revealing
Malnutrition: eating habits are revealing
Avoiding malnutrition in the elderly
Avoiding malnutrition in the elderly
Appetising pureed dishes
Appetising pureed dishes
Pureed food for elderly people in residential care
Pureed food for elderly people in residential care
Over half of all cancer patients suffer from dysphagia
Over half of all cancer patients suffer from dysphagia
Nutritional strategies to prevent frailty
Nutritional strategies to prevent frailty
Malnutrition: ONS reduce risk of hospitalisation
Malnutrition: ONS reduce risk of hospitalisation
Elderly, frail and sedentary persons
Dysphagia can also be sarcopenic
Dysphagia can also be sarcopenic
Malnutrition: diagnosis
Malnutrition: diagnosis, screening and consequences
Metabolic dysfunction: watch out for secondary sarcopenia
Metabolic dysfunction: watch out for secondary sarcopenia

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